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Bar railing supplies

The necessities for a bar railing

A bar railing is not just a tube, but consists of various loose parts, including tube supports, tube caps and connectors. Our range offers you different shapes and sizes so that you can put together your railing system completely according to style and taste.

The production

The railing systems are made of solid unpainted Brass , Chrome , Anthracite or Stainless steel . These materials prevent flaking and a railing retains its colour. In addition, these materials are easy to maintain and clean.

The possibilities of a railing system

Below are some of the ways our railing systems are applied:
As a (foot)rest at a bar 
As a stair railing 
As a door handle 
As a curtain rod 
As a towel rack 
As a clothes rack
As a bar railing

The benefits of our range

Due to the many choices and application possibilities, we give you the opportunity to create a completely unique and personal atmosphere, varying from a trendy design to a classic interior. Our railings are often used in the catering industry. Throughout the Netherlands and Belgium , from Texel to Brussels, our railings have already been used. If you visit a catering establishment, there is a good chance that has supplied the railings.